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Given Colours

For this project Robyn and I are working together and the 3 colours we were allocated were crimson, yellow and russett.


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Ken Nordine - Crimson

There's something in crimson
Something that should be stopped

Stop now
Not later
But now

Here's why:

Crimson is sick
Sick in its red
No telling what crimson might do
If the notion should start in its head
Might blow us all up
Who knows

Know what the trouble in crimson is?
Doesn't know when to stop

Always wants more
And more
And more
And more

I'll bet you that every war that's even been fought
Was fought most of all because crimson was taught
To want more
And more
And more
And more

Like I said
You're sick!
Sick in the red

No telling what crimson might do
If the notion should start in its head


Watch out!
Watch out!
For crimson!



Ken Nordine - Yellow

In the beginning--
Oh, long before that--

When light was deciding
Who should be in
And who should be out
Of the spectrum
Yellow was in trouble

Even then it seems that Green
(you know how Green can be)
Didn't want Yellow in
Some silly primal envy I suppose
But for whatever cause
The effect was bad on Yellow
And caused Yellow to weep yellow tears
For several eternals
Before there were years
Until Blue heard what was up
Between Green and Yellow
And took Green aside for a serious talk
In which Blue pointed out
That if Yellow and Blue were to get together
Not that they would but if they did
(a gentle threat)
They could make their own green
"Ohhh" said Green with some understanding
Naturally by a sudden change of hue
Green saw the light and Yellow got in
It worked out fine
Yellow got lemons
And green got limes


Ken Nordine - Russett

Is the subtle one

Is the quick one
Is the obvious one
Is the slow one
Knows what goes
A fool to its toes
As wise as an owl
As dumb as a scowl
Just kind of is
Makes sense though
Nonsensically so
Like a hero full of zero


With the allocated colour scheme Robyn and I thought that we could do something based on Autumn because we have Crimson, Yellow and Russet but we thought that it was too obvious to go down that route and we wanted to push ourselves to not present something very obvious to both us and the audience. So, we took inspiration from a stop motion technique I tried in 1st year and decided to use our colour scheme to portray the deep sea/ space creating an ambient vibe film. 

We chose Crimson for our background, Yellow for our character and Russett for emotion. Our concept for this colour film is based on a hybrid creature that swims around. I found the inspiration for this based on articles about the recent talks of Japan releasing the contaminated radioactive waters from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. With this we thought that our character could be a mutated creature caused as a result of this water pollution being released into the sea. We also agreed that we could use Crimson to portray the sea instead of the obvious choice blue because Crimson could portray the danger literally as well as creating a hell like ambiance making it hard to read as something like the deep sea/ space for our hybrid to live in. Inspired by Ken Nordine's Crimson I picked out, "Crimson is sick sick in its red might blow us all up" which made me think of the Fukushima explosion and the resulting sickness that it caused both then and now due to the released contaminated water.


For our character we went with Yellow so that it would be easy to see the creature against the dark red that were going to use for our background . From Nordine's Yellow I chose out, " Primal envy" and " Yellow tears for several eternals before there were years." With this our character us going to be isolated because of it doesn't belong to anything anywhere therefore being left all alone to wonder.


For our emotion we went with Russett to portray loneliness, sadness and isolation.



Articles on the release of radioactive material

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Visual Inspiration

Video Game Inspiration
 Sky Children of The Light



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The Mariana Trench

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I decided to do some simple research into the Mariana Trench which is very close to Japan to I thought it would be worthwhile to look at any Deepsea creatures for the context of our story since it does take place in the sea around Japan.


I took some simple notes on the Mariana Trench:

-Fish lack faces


-Called the Gates of the Underworld which I thought coincides perfectly with our story because there will be radiation in our sea

-Pure black void

-Hosts deepest known location on earth

-Names after the realm of Hades

-Pure darkness, acidic freezing water - hard to survive- pale shrimp, flounder like fish

-"Dark brown Diatomaceous" links to our emotion which is brown for our character

-Clumps of microorganisms 

-Hadal Amphipod



These notes helped me to just grasp the concept of our setting to help me come up with some form of concept for the backgrounds that I was tasked with. 


Deep Sea Creatures


I decided to also research Chernobyl because its the only other event of a nuclear disaster so I thought that I could maybe find something interesting while looking at this. I decided to start by looking at the animal mutations caused by the radiation and made the following notes on it:

-Deformed farm animals that were born did not reproduce

-Mutilations and cancer

-Abnormalities in farm animals 400 deformed animals born. So deformed that they only lived a few hours

-Mutations included: facial malformations, extra appendages, abnormal colouring, reduced size, common in cattle and pigs

-Cows exposed to fallout and fed radioactive feed produced radioactive milk.

- Today the animals are radioactive because they eat radioactive food

-Invertebrate populations have diminished

-Swallows born from1991-2006 had deformed beaks, albinistic features, bent tail feathers, deformed air sacs, less reproductive success

-Birds and mammals had smaller brains, malformed sperm, cataracts

-Animals in the lake closest to Chernobyl nuclear reactor have more genetic mutations than those from far away.

-Giant catfish in Chernobyl only because they have no predators now.



From HBO's Chernobyl

Concept Art

Lighting Tests


Here I played around with some lighting for Robyn and I to use in the final film so we decided to keep the red lights while shooting and Robyn filmed her 20 seconds with a mini makeshift multiplane.


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